Sunday, November 25, 3545

FDA Clears proven treatment for open back pain without drugs or surgery in San Diego

The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.
Une étude clinique Mayo signale un taux de réussite de 88 % de ce traitement de remplacement pour éliminer des douleurs lombaires. Et maintenant, médecins locaux de San Diego et les chiropraticiens New Century Spine Centers apportent ce traitement révolutionnaire aux résidents de San Diego. (1888PressRelease) le 11 mai 2010 - pour personnes souffrant de chroniques arrière de la douleur, la sciatique, sténose rachidienne, dégénérative, arthrite, ou herniés et ou renflement des disques, thérapie de décompression de la colonne vertébrale de pointe peut être leur meilleure solution de maux de dos.

Selon le Dr Michael Pritsker, DC, meq, douleurs peut être débilitante et touche des milliers de personnes chaque année. Mais grâce à nouveaux progrès en retour la douleur thérapie, des milliers de personnes qui souffrent de douleurs dorsales sont la douleur de vivre libre et bénéficiant de la vie.Pour regarder des vidéos de cette technologie de chiropratique décompression spinale pointe, ceux qui s'intéressent peuvent aller sur le site de San Diego, à

Jusqu'à présent, il y a seulement trois options qui existaient pour faire face à la douleur de faibles conditions arrière. Ils ont été avaler des pilules de douleur pour la gestion de la douleur, passant sous le couteau avec la chirurgie de la colonne vertébrale, ou simplement apprendre à vivre avec la douleur. Nouveaux centres de la colonne vertébrale de siècle à San Diego a acquis non seulement les médecins de décompression de la colonne vertébrale haut de la page à San Diego, mais a également introduit dans certains des plus avancés colonne vertébrale décompression thérapies disponibles pour le traitement non chirurgical de maux de dos. M. Dirk Kancilia, DC du New Century centres de la colonne vertébrale, dit "en utilisant la décompression spinale pointe avec des praticiens qualifiés et tests diagnostiques sophistiquées, nous sommes capables de donner au patient le meilleur traitement possible pour leurs douleurs dorsales disponibles.Nous travaillons étroitement avec les praticiens de la médecine, chiropraticiens, ainsi que drx9000 décompression spinale spécialistes pour éliminer leurs douleurs au dos. Que ce soit les patients qui a demandé à notre rapport libre de ou s'ils ont été dirigés par leurs amis, famille ou médecin de chiropratique, ils peuvent reposer assurer qu'ils sont entre les mains de droit à New Century centres de la colonne vertébrale.

Thérapie de décompression spinale pointe depuis plus d'une décennie, mais certains médecins sont encore malheureusement pas au courant de ses avantages. Il existe différents programmes comme la décompression de la colonne vertébrale de 9000 DRX, décompression spinale Triton, ABS, Lordex, Vax-D et plus encore. Peu importe de quel système le médecin utilise, il est plus important de choisir le spécialiste de la droite de la colonne vertébrale. Peu importe ce qui est le nom de la table. Votre corps ne sait pas la différence entre l'ABC de la marque de commerce et de la marque de commerce XYZ. Physiologiquement parlant, toutes les tables de la décompression ont le même effet exact sur les disques et les tissus environnants, mais certains médecins veulent que vous croient que leur équipement est de loin supérieure à toutes les autres marques. Il existe de nombreuses marques différentes tables là-bas. Certaines sont plus jolies et plus gros que les autres. Certains ont plus cloches et sifflets, mais le fait est que la marque de la table n'a aucune portant sur les résultats, tant il est une table de décompression de la colonne vertébrale. Pensez à ce sujet, si elles font la même réclamation d'être le meilleur, puis vraiment être vrai ? La plupart des voitures de course sont construites très semblables.Mais la voiture de course gagnant a le meilleur pilote et l'équipage de meilleur. Pour se débarrasser de maux de dos, puis vous devrez aller les meilleurs médecins de décompression spinale disponibles. Le spécialiste de la décompression de la colonne vertébrale appropriée de cueillette est la décision plus importante à la fixation des maux de dos.

Enfin, il y a une solution éprouvée pour se débarrasser de maux de dos.La procédure prévoit le soulagement de la douleur et des symptômes associés à une sténose rachidienne, les hernies discales, bombement ou de disques de la colonne vertébrale, dégénérative, l'arthrite, la sciatique et lombalgie chronique en saillie. Des centaines de personnes restauré santé pleinement fonctionnel sur leur dos à l'aide de cette procédure dans la région de la vallée de la mission de San Diego.Certains des avantages sont que le traitement est non chirurgical et aucun médicament n'est impliqués, il est non invasive et c'est un processus indolore. Les patients décrivent la procédure de traitement indolore et relaxant.

Les personnes qui envisagent de traitement sont ceux qui sont fatigués de vivre avec dos douleur sciatique. Profitant de cette scientifiquement prouvé approche de soulager et d'éliminer les douleurs de dos et des jambes est peut-être la meilleure décision que peut faire des patients maux de dos.

À l'heure actuelle, plusieurs régimes d'assurance couvrent cette procédure très abordable et des milliers d'Américains, assurés et non assurés, optent pour cette procédure indolore.C'est un traitement qui devrait être regardé avant la chirurgie arrière.Il est juste de bon sens pour essayer une procédure non invasive avant un recourir à la chirurgie.Il est si populaire qu'un numéro sans frais, 24 heures sur 24 enregistré message est maintenant disponible pour en apprendre davantage et de recevoir gratuitement des informations qui explique les détails.Nouveaux centres de la colonne vertébrale de siècle a mis en place cette ligne de message de péage gratuit 24 heures enregistrées où les blessés peut appeler pour demander une vidéo libre et un rapport.Le numéro de téléphone est le 1-888-611-2042.Victimes de maux de dos peuvent aussi visiter le site Web de la New Century centres de la colonne vertébrale à pour obtenir plus d'informations et de regarder des vidéos du programme de thérapie de décompression spinale pointe en action.


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Friday, May 26, 3522

Chiropractic - The Unknown Champion

Though chiropractic has been around for more than a 100 years, is proven effective for the treatment of back pain that nearly 80% of people will encounter in their lifetime, it is still only utilized by 12-17% of that population. This fact alone seems staggering but when you consider that it is far safer option than even taking simple over the counter medications the story becomes even more bewildering.

According to a national survey back pain is the most prevalent chronic medical problem and accounts for and estimated $50 billion to $100 billion in annual US healthcare costs. With the baby boomer population aging, this probably can be expected to escalate. Now more than ever the healthcare community needs to focus on using the most effective and affordable means of solving the communities health problems in a strait forward and logical manor.

Chiropractic is Woefully Underutilized

Chiropractic is the 3rd largest healthcare industry, a distant 3rd. The public perception is that we are spine specialists, yet we are seldom recommended as a treatment option in any type of medical literature. Chiropractic care has a long history of research supporting its effectiveness and affordability. It is even recognized and included in the department of defense as basic care. All this and less than 20% of the population in need finds their way through the chiropractic doors. And often this is not until they have failed with another care method.

It would seem that there must be some reason for the underutilization of this valuable and effective service and there is-- Chiropractors.

Only recently has chiropractic as a whole tried to integrate with mainstream medicine. We have battled and raged and tried to stand out all through the last century. All the while giving us the reputation as a maverick sort with a huckster vibe promising to cure what ails ya with a quick twist of the neck. There are still hold outs but the vast majority of those educated in last 10-15 years have been schooled in an evidence based approach to treating headache neck and back pain. Make no mistake, this is the present and future of chiropractic care. Reliable realistic evidence based care the is part of the overall medical community.

Chiropractors are Portal of Entry Providers Not Primary Care Providers.

This means that people have direct access to these services similar to dentists and optometrists and don't need to be approached through the medical doctor or some other referral source. The flip side of this is that chiropractors are not primary care providers in that the research at this time reports that they are effective for musculoskeletal conditions like headaches neck and back pain. While they are well educated in nutrition and general health, they are first and fore most musculoskeletal specialists. See the chiropractor for your back low back and sciatica, not for your asthma or diabetes.

These are some strong points of Chiropractic.

· Chiropractors are the spinal health experts in the healthcare system.

· Chiropractic has the ability to improve function in the neuromusculoskeletal system, and overall

health, well-being, and quality of life.

·Chiropractic is a specialized approach to examination, diagnosis, and treatment based on best available research and clinical evidence, and with particular emphasis on the relationship between the spine and the nervous system.

· Chiropractic has a tradition of effectiveness and patient satisfaction.

·Chiropractic is conservative, clinical, safe treatment approach without the use of drugs and surgery, enabling patients to avoid these when possible.

· Chiropractic has proven cost-effective in the managed care, workers compensation and Medicare markets.

· Chiropractors are expertly qualified providers of spinal adjustment, manipulation and other manual treatments, exercise instruction, and patient education.

· Chiropractors collaborate with other health professionals.

· Chiropractic is patient treatment approach focusing on individual responsibility for health, encouraging patient independence.

· Chiropractors are expert, professional, ethical, knowledgeable, and compassionate healthcare providers.

How to Best Utilize Chiropractic

Most research on chiropractic's effectiveness has been done on acute and chronic lower back pain, acute and chronic neck pain, and headaches. These three conditions make up make up 95% of the conditions for which patients seek chiropractic care. These are also the best reasons to visit your chiropractor.

Headaches neck and back pain is where chiropractic shines and that is where it's utilization should be. Chiropractic is a great entry level therapy for these patients. Chiropractors are well versed in non-invasive treatment that has the lower risk for harming the patient and the best chance or improvement than any other option of care. Chiropractic is also the most cost effective method of care because the evaluation of back pain is the same as at the Primary care office but fees are lower.

Failure to improve on a chiropractic trial of evidence based manipulation is not common. For those who do not progress they can be referred out for more invasive investigation confident that their current condition will not respond to manual manipulation. All this adds up to better cheaper care with the best chance for a positive outcome for the patient.

Unfortunately this is often the exact opposite route that patients follow arrive at the chiropractor. They most often find the chiropractic after passing through surgeries or several other failed procedures and therapies. Thus taking what may have been a simple acute injury that would have responded well to conservative care a more complicated and resistant problem may have gone on too long for chiropractic to be of help.

The base thing to take away from this article is that chiropractic is not an end all be all of back pain care that holds all the answers. It is just a research proven best place to start to logically find a way out of pain. Properly utilized it is a valuable tool in the physicians workshop, but a hammer can't drive a nail if you don't pick it up.

Monday, April 9, 3517

Las Vegas chiropractic announces the launch of its new centre of well-being in Las Vegas

Chiropractic chiropractor leader and health care provider based in Las Vegas, Las Vegas has announced the launch of a centre of well-being in Las Vegas to facilitate natural healing ability. (1888PressRelease) 24 April 2010 - Las Vegas - Las Vegas Chiropractic chiropractor leader and Las Vegas-based health care provider has announced the launch of a centre of well-being in Las Vegas to facilitate natural healing ability. Here, known and certified professional medical experts will manage the process and work in tandem with patients to a speedy recovery.

Wellness Chiropractic care is a more natural healing process with the standard of care médicaux.Il ignores completely any problem in the body of the patient which may interfere with the normal functioning unlike drugs, surgery and other procedures by completely natural methods such as massages and adjustments to the bone.

Chiropractors Las Vegas wellness approach looks for underlying causes of a disease or thus perturbations.Par Chiropractors make lifestyle changes and adjustments to optimize conditions for normal functioning of the body. Such treatment reduces the need for invasive healing and introduces natural healing.

According to chiropractors, only when the body is in a good state of walking, is it effectively cure and maintain.These healthy conditions allow the dynamics of health, vitality and better experience of the vie.Ceci applies to mental, physical and emotional health. For example, in the case of pressure arterial, standard medical approach uses drugs that treat the problem, not symptômes.Mais chiropractic treatment leaves no scope for symptoms to exist in some form in the body of the patient.

Chiropractic Las Vegas Diagnostics and treats patients for skeletal and musculo-skeletal system problems. health, diet and exercise of the patient are supported and processing is done in a completely natural way, eliminate the cause of the disease.

Dr. William Leavitt, one of the chiropractors said: "there are various mechanisms and modalities for chiropractic Las Vegas to support different means such as ultrasound, record, electrical stimulation, micro current, h-wave, bending, distraction .Various treatments and tracing are implemented for irregularities such as maintenance, acute, chronic and stabilization of the base, spinal decompression, care worker comp, automobile accidents and strengthening and rehabilitation."We have a single purpose to help people on the path of natural recovery without drugs by our services.We want to help them live a problem-free and healthy life.

On the Las Vegas Chiropractic:
Chiropractic Las Vegas is committed to providing a safe and natural healing approach and achieve an optimale.Le health chiropractic Wellness Centre is a full service, aimed at another institution dedicated to meet the needs of all santé.Le care health clinic is to help patients achieve optimal health, naturellement.Le global non-invasive ways need, without drugs and natural control of physical, chemical and mental life hazards is growing at a rapid pace and Chiropractic Las Vegas aims to fill this gap with its high quality service.

For more details, please contact:

Gulberg W. Tropicana Ave. Suite 100
Las Vegas, NV 89103
OFFICE: (702) 291-7200
FAX: (702) 364-5612


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Tuesday, September 19, 3133

Kellee Chee Khiong Financial Officer at Malaysia RHB Bank

16 May

Posted by Chiropractic Blogs as Classifieds

By Michael Dorausch, DC

Been a while since we’ve had a classified advertising scam update. Thankfully, the community has really gotten awesome in spotting fraud and has been seriously kicking butt on emailing updates likety split. Not long ago a chiropractor received an email from someone claiming to be a financial officer at a bank in Lumpur. Looked and smelled like a scam and the IP address used was from an AT&T account in the USA. Great job by the chiropractor for spotting and forwarding it on to me.

IP Location

I like when I get informed with info like this since we take the time to post it online and get the name and IP address showing up in search. Many times now I’ve had emails from others saying they see these same activities going on elsewhere. Great to keep track of the names and IP addresses so they can be reported to internet and email providers.

This particular case involved the responding to an ad placed for chiropractic equipment. The reply read…

Ad Number: 27454
Sender IP:

My name is Kellee Chee Khiong, the financial officer at Malaysia RHB Bank Berhad in Lumpur, and I am getting in touch with you regarding a business deal worth $US37 Million in my control which will be executed under a legitimate arrangement. I am contacting you independently and will intimate you more about myself and details of the project if and when I receive your response. Kindly get back to me via my private email if you are interested in partnership with me on this project. Contact me via my private email.

Kellee Chee Khiong


Wow, 37 million dollars, I’m surprised the chiropractor didn’t first try and secure a deal. Haha. OK, we’ve seen this and other types of email and contact form scam/spam hundreds of times so it’s nothing new. The only reason we still post the info is so that the address and IP data gets made public. You never know when someone is going to not be so sure it’s a scam (it happens) and just to be safe, performs a search of the senders email address and/or name. It’s not yellow pages type dishonesty, but it’s still important to get the word out.

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Monday, July 1, 3112

Bethel Park chiropractic clinical unveils new technologies for combating chronic pain and Fibromyalgia

Bethel Park, chiropractic clinic today announced a new technology which aims to fight chronic pain and fibromyalgia. The technology is called full-body vibrations and stimulating works by targeting centres of the brain by specific nerve receptors in the spinal column. Pittsburgh, PA (1888PressRelease) 15 June 2010 - Red Apple Wellness & chiropractic announced today that it has a new weapon to fight chronic pain and fibromyalgia. The new technology called full body vibration is used by doctors of chiropractic to stimulate specific nerve receptors in the body called common mechanoreceptors. When stimulated, a spouse mechanoreceptor sends a pulse in the brain and the cerebellum (a center of relays in the brain).

Red Apple Wellness & chiropractic Clinical Director Mr. Kevin Smith says: "pain travel (also known as 'nociception') signals along a specific path in the spine." The same path is also used by another type of sensory stimulation, called "proprioception".lorsque we stimulate these specific receptors with the vibration of the body, it sends a flood pulse proprioception's along the same path, which decreases the signals of nociception - the result is a reduction of the incredible or total elimination of pain!»

Full body vibration technology used in the Red Apple Wellness & chiropractic was FDA effacée.Il is safe to be used by virtually everyone.However, before treatment, Mr. Smith performs a comprehensive review that integrates orthopaedic and neurological controls in order to establish a medical basis as well as find where vibration therapy should be applied.

Full body vibrations can be used with different types of exercises .the combinations of different exercises used is illimité.La full body vibration brings with it another dimension of delivery, regardless of whether the objective is strengthened, stabilization or enhance flexibility or balance.

For more information on the full body vibrations, please visit or by contacting Dr. Smith to 412-212-8880.


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Saturday, November 1, 3017

Chiropractic marketing consultant, Mr. Matthew Loop, launches the Exchange Forum social chiropractic

A new website dedicated to the creation of positive exposure and help to build social proof mass for chiropractors launched. Chiropractic social exchange has been developed by Mr. Matthew Loop and all assets of highly interactive and collaborative Web 2.0 uses to acquire an unprecedented exhibition and popularity of its members. I've developed the social exchange chiropractic to help drive traffic from popular online website chiropractor. (1888PressRelease) 08 June 2010 - entrepreneur and social media marketing authority, Mr. Matthew Loop, announced the launch of its new social networking site Site is dedicated to ensuring that chiropractors who subscribe to the service to earn a big advantage over other competitors in the same geographical area. Social chiropractic is specifically focused on chiropractors and has been developed for top subscribers Google and other search engine rankings while ensuring that they construct massive amounts of "social proof" social networking sites via and other types of platforms.

Its Office in Atlanta, notes Mr. Loop, "I use sites for social networking, blogs, article directories, social news, YouTube sites and other platforms on the internet to obtain excellent results, to make my way to the top of Google and other engines of search while floods our Office with new patients." Chiropractors and I am one of them, have traditionally difficult to expand their networks and patient base. So, I've developed the social exchange chiropractic to help drive traffic chiropractor ligne.Ce private forum the most popular Web site also allows physicians to create a trustworthy and credible presence in the internet, which will result in a flood of new patients.»

According to Loop, its new Web site will allow members to see results very quickly, rather than one or two years, you need to build a substantial following. Chiropractic Social Exchange uses Web 2.0 peak to build and connect website each chiropractor / published content essential votes and feedback from users.

Valued members may obtain on request reviews in places such as Google Maps, Yelp and CitySearch reaching ranking high on sites such as Digg, Mixx, Yahoo Buzz, StumbleUpon and important Reddit.Plus social networking, social chiropractic Exchange gives participants what called Loop "paste power" chiropractors in the first page of Google and other major search engines. Most people forget that you need ratings your content online for this first page anchor. Now, the problem has been solved, but.

"The benefits are many, says loop."One of the most important benefits is that chiropractors subscription connect with chiropractors intentions to help each other success and build spaces and confidence.This is one of the hardest challenges for confidence of consumers earn money business so that people will participate in your services."Loop added," Google ranking and all are very important but do not forget the fact that the social exchange chiropractic help by allowing potential patient to the doctor by all sorts of positive exposure. "»

The result is that new patient feels as if they already know the doctor before they ever walk in his duties due to the popularity of web améliorée.Boucle has managed to keep its low introductory price because interested physicians can now register at a rate which decomposes at $19.97 per month, or 67 cents a day simply .the ' opportunity is huge for members of the value as participating chiropractors have the potential to get and additional 5–10 new patients each month just based on social proof that they are capable of building.

For more information about Exchange Social chiropractic, including a video developer, go to


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Tuesday, June 28, 3008

California Chiropractic Exposition and Convention

10 Jun

Posted by Chiropractic Blogs as Seminars

By Michael Dorausch, DC

I’m heading off to Reno Nevada for the 2010 CCA Annual Chiropractic Convention at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino. I’m excited about the many hours of chiropractic continuing education being offered, and I’m even more excited that those hours are free for existing CCA members. I’ve already been to half a dozen chiropractic conferences or seminars since the beginning of January this year, but I often find myself strolling around with a camera taking photos (like DCS Orange County photos), and chatting it up with other chiropractors. Sometimes you have to sit in the classroom and get things done.

California Chiropractic ADIOCalifornia Chiropractic

I’ll still be out and about with camera and digital recorder, but only during times I’m not getting hours for my own license renewal. The diversified adjusting classes look real promising, hoping they cover some good chiropractic adjustment technique. Bring your business cards, as I plan to do a few chiropractor business card posts when I return from Nevada. It’s a nice way to get some free chiropractic marketing for your practice, but if you don’t have your business cards handy, it is going to be more difficult to include you.

We’ve had a flood of e-mails already this morning on yesterday’s post regarding automating chiropractor listings. All the chiropractors that have e-mailed with updated office information, staff is adding it to the database, but don’t expect an e-mail reply (they may not respond to everyone). Instead I suggest you check your city and or state listing to see that information is accurate and up-to-date. If you are sending information this week, allow about 30 days before it appears online.

We’ll be doing some user testing (I’m bringing a laptop) with random chiropractors while at the event this weekend, to see how well they handle the chiropractor admin interface. What I didn’t mention in the news article yesterday was that chiropractors will be able to (unless it becomes a major headache) modify their own address and phone number information after creating a user account. About freaking time. All righty then, if you’re in Reno for the weekend festivities, be sure to say hello.

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